
Asset & Facility Management


    Services can only be created after a site is cloned and duplicated. This is because the template is not connected to Content Hub to pull the departments up and push the services down.


    The template site is intentionally not connected to Content Hub because if it was every new site duplicated from Template would share the same unique id’s which would break Content Hub.

    1. After duplicating Template Configure a new site in Acquia Personalization
      2. Give the site a useful name
      3. The Site ID must be {factory site id}_{factory environment}


        1. factory site id can be found in the Site Factory interface
        2. factory environment will always be _01live for production
      1. Set the site url
      2. Note the “Content Hub Module” API Key and Secret Key
      3. Click Create
    1. After duplicating Template navigate to Configuration > Web Services > Content Hub(/admin/config/services/acquia-contenthub)
      1. Fill in the API Key and Secret Key from Acquia Personalization
      2. Click “Register Site”
    2. Navigate to Content > Acquia Content Hub /admin/content/acquia-contenthub
    3. Click on “Saved Filters” and click “Hub – Prod”
    4. Click “Assign Sites”
    5. Check the box next to the domain for your new site
    6. Click “Save”
    7. Cron jobs will now handle importing content at the next scheduled time
    8. The status can be checked on the Hub site at

    Asset & Facility Management

    Asset & Facility Management